Welcome to my new website! I hope that information presented here can be a start or a continuation of your healing. At some point in time we all need help, and like most people, are reluctant to ask. Reaching for assistance is perhaps the single biggest deterrent to getting better. Look around, enjoy and if the desire is there. .. . reach out.

Many ask me — “Why so many services and so many specialties . . . it looks like you do so many things?” That’s not it and it’s not that many really. Think about it . . in order to work with someone, there may be several layers to their treatment. Gearing up with more tools and of course, state-of-the-art methods is in the best interest of the treatment provider. It allows me to be better “packaged’ and thus to help you better.  That said, no one person can do everything and I have a wonderful group of colleagues in which to seek assistance and make referrals when indicated.

This website is reflective of over 30 years of full-time patient work.  Establishing an amalgamation of expertise has been a priority of mine, something of which I am still at work on.  There is no end to learning.  Besides in the area of health and mental health, we are making advancements all the time and while traditional theory and treatment are still useful, without embracing the new we cannot be most effective.

Despite what you read on this site, what you don’t know about me is that in addition to helping others, marketing is and has been a passion of mine for a long time, since college in-fact. Design, creativity, effective communication and of course working with the latest algorithm is something I very much enjoy. I love systems-how things work and also have a great appreciation of how business flows (which of course includes more than marketing).

For this site I have written 100% of the content and worked diligently on the design. Yet, as most projects cannot be done in isolation, this is been a joint effort thanks to Allison Clough (www.alliclough.com), website designer extraordinaire as well as support person who so patiently tolerated my many detail and design demands. This site would not be here if it not for her; I appreciate her efforts, work, and talents!

Enjoy your visit!

Oh and please subscribe to my list so you can get blog posts and the latest info automatically, and, if you will, please “like” me on Facebook (there’s a button in the footer) and share any post you find helpful on social media!