Dr. Barbara Winter sex therapy near me Boca Raton FL – Sex Therapist

Dr. Barbara Winter sex therapy near me Boca Raton FL – Sex Therapist specialized aging or death, betrayal abuse partner, unhealthy relationships, addictions

Dr. Barbara Winter sex therapy near me Boca Raton FL – Sex Therapist specialized aging or death, betrayal abuse partner, unhealthy relationships, addictions

For your Emotional, Sexual and Spiritual Health

Life today has become so desperately hard, relationships so challenging and work so unrewarding. Given the advances in technology, connection in some ways has improved our lives and in others has led to an intimacy starved culture where the capacity for common conversation is limited. This leaves us despondent and extremely vulnerable to the intense highs offered by the distractions of everyday life—infidelity and addictions. The experience of abandonment or loss from break-up, divorce, career change, aging or death, betrayal or abuse from a partner, unhealthy relationships at home or work and addictions can lead to loneliness, sadness, anxiety and depression.

You have reached this site because you are struggling; you are either stuck in a crisis or wish to become more effective in your relationships with others. At times we all need someone to reach for help. Selecting the right person to help guide your journey through life’s difficulties is a considerable decision.

With almost 30 years of experience as a psychologist, sexologist and certified sex addiction therapist and in EMDR, Dr. Winter is well qualified to help you restore and reclaim your emotional, sexual and spiritual health.

My Areas of Specialty Are:


to my website

Welcome to my website and to a window into my professional world. Congratulations on taking the first step towards healing and making changes in your life!

Through this site, an ever expanding view of my work as a clinical psychologist, sexologist, relationship expert and trauma specialist, I will share with you my philosophy, experience, background, and most of all, how I can help you improve your emotional, sexual and spiritual health and well being.

Why Work with Me?

My work is based on extensive training, experience and a continued quest for knowledge, coupled with compassion, intuition, optimism and collaboration.  I value trust, openness and confidentiality and strive to work with each individual, couple and family as a special entity with unique needs. I use an accelerated approach to efficiently get to the core issues and conscious and unconscious beliefs to create breakthroughs and allow you to access your own creative solutions. As such, you must be willing to examine uncomfortable experiences from the bottom up in order to create permanent and sustainable change.

How I Can Help You?

As a


For over 30 years, Dr. Winter has helped hundreds of individuals and couples navigate the hurdles at all stages—from pre-marital through divorce and family—re-organization and move through betrayals and adult and child attachment trauma, build more effective connections and transform their relationships. Within the context of the modern-day coupling, she counsels individuals and couples to build stronger connections, improve their sex lives, and achieve a heightened level of intimacy.  She has also assisted them in building effective, high-performance families.  

Dr. Winter is trained by and in the methods of Dr. Susan Johnson, the originator of Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples. For couples on the brink, mixed-agenda couples, she offers Discernment Counseling, (to DC on couples page) a process that is designed to assist you in making an informed decision about the viability of your marriage.

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As a


Dr. Winter moves couples and individuals through the process of healing from dysfunctional relationships with sex, love, pornography, money, work, and food. She is trained under and certified in the methods of Dr. Patrick Carnes by the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals, who is identified for his work and ongoing research in the area of sex and process addictions.

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As a


It is Dr. Winter’s mission to empower families and minimize intense conflict and resultant damage to the children and families during the process of family re-organization, from pre-separation through the dissolution of the marriage to the creation of a new and blended family. She is a Divorce and Discernment Counselor, Parenting Coordinator and trained in Mediation.

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As a


With specialized training and extensive experience and certification in Hypnosis and EMDR, Dr. Winter can assist in the rapid resolution of traumatic and disturbing memories that are embedded in the brain. Both are powerful techniques used in helping people with trauma, addictions, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, anxiety, panic and phobias, grief and more. Both are often used in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities.

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Your Journey Starts Here

Trauma and pain do not happen to the unlucky; they touch each one of us at one time or another. We all face a unique set of emotional challenges—both in and out of the bedroom. That is why your treatment is tailored just for you. It is here that you can transform your relationships.

Work With Me
Specialized Techniques
What I Treat

As Seen In:

“Dr. Barbara Winter is an exceedingly bright, multi-talented doctor of clinical psychology.  In addition to her clinical practice, she has contributed considerably to the community.”

Joan T. Magill, PsyD LMFT, Boca Raton, FL

“Dr. Barbara Winter has been a great asset to the community and to my patients. It is great to refer my patients with confidence.”

Mark R.Licht, MD FACS, Boca Raton

“Barbara is a compassionate psychotherapist who is committed to her clients and their healing process.  She uses her incredible knowledge base, which includes many specialty trainings and certifications in her work with them.  She is a wonderful combination of heart and intelligence…”

Linda Tepper, LCSW, Boca Raton

“As a long time married couple we have found Dr. Winter’s professional advice and counsel extremely helpful in enhancing our relationship. Her breadth of knowledge and insightfulness have made us very comfortable in discussing any issues that affect us and our relationships with other family members.”

“I have been to a few therapists during the years but I can honestly say that I accomplished more in a dozen sessions with Dr. Winter than in years with my last psychologist. She has been incredibly helpful in clarifying and helping me make sense out of my experiences. This has helped me significantly shift my thinking and ultimately my relationships.”

“I was delighted to have Dr. Barbara Winter as a recent guest on my television program, “Managing the Problems of Daily Living”.  She spoke from her vast fund of knowledge about sex and human relationships in an informed and compassionate manner.  Dr. Winter also provided strategies to enhance one’s emotional and physical relationships taken from the scientific literature.”

Linda Sircus, Ph.D., Psychologist and Program Host , Franklin, MI

“For over 25 years Dr. Barbara Winter has been my go-to psychologist for my patients. Her level of professionalism and willingness and ability to handle a multitude of concerns has made her easy to work with. Her response time for scheduling new patients has been an asset to my practice.”

Frederick Silfen, MD FACOG, Boca Raton