Couples Tip #2-Listen to Listen, Don’t Listen to Respond
I just finished Adam Grant’s Ted Talk on The Power of Powerless Communication in which, amongst other points, he cited two that emerged as commanding. He said that the use of tentative language engages trust and [...]
5 More Reasons To Consider Group Therapy
“The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives,” says Esther Perel, relationship psychotherapist, author, podcaster and teacher. Said succinctly, Perel highlights the interpersonal and connective nature of the human experience. Research has [...]
Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder: CSBD is in ICD-11
It's official! Updated in June 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO), in its adaptation of the new nomenclature, the Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines for ICD-11 made inclusive Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) within the Impulse Control Disorder category.
Infidelity and Betrayal Trauma . . . Is Staying the New Shame?
Almost daily I get asked “If I stay am I an idiot?”, “What will others think if I stay?”, “I have heard from my family that I’m a martyr if I stay, is that true?” [...]
Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse: A Prelude to Healing
This article is repurposed on It’s well documented in psychology that trauma gets stuck in the body/mind. We know from the neurobiological authority that trauma, if not adequately consolidated at the moment of conception, [...]
Mindful Relating . . a Valentines’ musing
Welcome to this moment. In honor of Valentine's Day, it's relevant for us all to take a mindful moment and strengthen our connection. It's an opportunity to stop, pause, get present and get connected to [...]